V Международная конференция по цифровизации сельского хозяйства и органическому производству (ADOP 2025)
3-6 июня 2025 г., Барнаул, Алтайский Край, Россия
V International Conference on Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production (ADOP 2025)
June 3-6, 2025, Barnaul, Altai Region, Russia



The aim of the conference is to consolidate interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of agriculture, biology, robotics, information technology and economics to solve urgent problems of digitalization of organic livestock and crop production based on the achievements of fundamental science and the best practices of agricultural companies.

Information Partners


  • Organic agriculture
  • Legal aspects of organic production
  • Rational nature management and ecology in agricultural production
  • Robotics in agriculture
  • Digital technologies and automation in animal husbandry
  • Digital technologies and automation in aquaculture
  • Digital technologies and agricultural development
  • Digital technologies, production and markets of organic products

Special sections:

  • Biologization of potato production
  • Digitalization and robotization of potato production
  • Digitalization and robotization of fruit and berry nurseries and gardens
  • Biologization of livestock production


Alexey Dorokhov, Deputy Director for Research and Managerial Work, FGBNU FNATS VIM, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Igor Smirnov, Chief Researcher, Head of the Department for Technologies and Machines for Horticulture, Viticulture and Plant Nurseries, FGBNU FNATS VIM, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Lecture Title: Digital monitoring and robotic means technologies for horticulture and plant nurseries

Abstract: Problems of crop losses and shortages (up to 30% of the actual harvest) are quite pertinent for intensive horticulture as caused by untimely and inaccurate visual monitoring of plantings. Application of software and hardware developed by FNATS VIM based on deep learning neural networks will assure timely and high-quality detection and classification of objects in horticulture and plants nurseries providing a high degree of accuracy. Technological operations’ share in row spacing and harvesting accounts for 80% of the total labor input. Proposed presentation considers an experience acquired at developing and applying robotic machines to in-soil fertilization and harvesting while implementing the technical vision and deep learning neural networks.

Nadezhda Bogolyubova, Leading researcher, Head of the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Farm Animals, Federal Research Center for Animal Husbandry named after Academy Member L.K. Ernst, Dubrovitsy, Moscow region, Russia.

Lecture Title: Animal and poultry nutrition factors are the basis for maintaining health and obtaining high-quality livestock and poultry products.

Abstract: Animals and poultry of modern genotypes have a high genetic productivity potential, but it often cannot be fully realized due to the impact of stress of various nature on the body. Animal health is an integral part of their well-being, it serves as a prerequisite for both high productivity and the safety of the resulting products for humans. Feed factors of additional nutrition of various nature (antioxidants, vitamins, their complexes, etc.) help reduce the negative impact of stress on the body, increase adaptive capabilities, which helps to increase immunity, improve antioxidant status, and improve product quality. This method of preventing negative effects of stress in livestock and poultry farming is discussed as the most acceptable and cheapest.

Aleksandra Figurek, Dr.Sci., GNOSIS Mediterranean Institute for Management Science, School of Business, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Elena Semenova, Chief Researcher, Department of Economic Relations in Agro-Industrial Complex Organizations, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Research Center of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas – All Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics”, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Moscow, Russia.

Aleksandr Semenov, Associate Professor of the Department of Technological Development of Rural Life Support Systems, Vernadsky Russian State University of National Economy, Balashikha, Moscow region, Russia.

Lecture Title: Digital and Artificial Inteligence Marketing in the Food Industry.

Abstract: Digital intelligence (AI), is having a significant impact on the upcoming era of corporate business developments. The next priorities for digitalisation adoption result from the tasks the food industry needs to accomplish: - the food industry's management system as a whole should be concentrated on speeding up its digital transformation to enhance producers' economic sustainability and social growth; on the development and implementation of the nation's food strategy, the recruitment of sector unions, organisations for collaboration and tracking their own to engage independently in the field of digitisation, the provision of skilled IT workers to the industrial complex, the integration of modern information technologies into the public administration of the agricultural sector, and the improvement of divisional control over the sector's informatisation procedures. The aim of the paper is to present development the Artificial Intelligence related, consumer-focused aspects of strategic marketing in the Cypriot food industry. The following research objectives will be addressed: Identification of appropriate consumer-focused digital technologies' and artificial intelligence tool in the Cypriot food industry; Development of the most appropriate consumer-focused digital marketing strategy for the Cypriot food industry; Examination of the practises utilised for gathering both internal and external data connected with consumer-oriented marketing; Integration of digital and artificial intelligence performance measurements, and provision of recommendations for the Cypriot food sector.

Georgy Laptev, Director, BIOTROF LLC, Head of the Department of Feed Biotechnology at St. Petersburg State Agricultural University, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Lecture Title: Methods of bioinformatics in zootechnical and veterinary research.

Abstract: Based on a symbiosis of molecular genetic methods (including metagenomic NGS sequencing) and the use of bioinformatic databases (PICRUSt2 (v.2.3.0), KEGG Pathway, etc.) we have shown an unambiguous association of violations of the predicted metabolic pathways of the microbiome of farm animals and birds against the background of intensive highly productive livestock farming with a deterioration in health, productivity, and longevity. A number of probiotics have shown effectiveness in solving this problem. Thus, the restoration of the rumen microbiome against the background of the use of the probiotic AntiClos reduced the severity of 4 metabolic pathways of microbial estrogen degradation in the endometrium of cows by 31-100%, which prevented the development of postpartum endometritis. With the support of the RNF project, based on the analysis of the differential expression of all genes using high-performance RNAseq, we have shown that the herbicide glyphosate contained in feed causes a "breakdown of the genetic program" in birds, negatively affecting the expression of over 11 thousand genes.

Kirill Golokhvast, Director of the Siberian Federal Research Centrе of Agro-ВioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SFSCA RAS); Director of the Advanced Engineering School "Agrobiotek" at the Tomsk State University; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education (RAE), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoobsk, Novosibirsk Region, Russia.

Lecture Title: Prospects of scientific agricultural organizations as participants in the real market.

Abstract: Cultivation of agricultural crops using "Speed breeding" technology. State-of-the-Art agriculture considers extremely important the cultivation of high-quality seed material. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) has acquired an extensive experience in growing many crops including potatoes, wheat, oats, soybeans, rapeseed and dandelion of Taraxacum kok-saghyz brand in an artificial climate. According to the research results, it has been revealed that all crops in optimal microclimate conditions (full-spectrum LED lighting, temperature, humidity) have sufficiently intensive growth and development of aboveground organs and root system. Due to these properties became possible the seed material cultivation. Particularly, for the wheat case this phenomenon led to four harvests a year, thus, the breeding process was speeded up conspicuously.

Anatoly Shulakov, Director General of SIBAGROCOMPLEX Group of Companies, Master of Animal Science, Omsk, Russia. Lecture Title: Artificial intelligence technologies as a tool for solving labor shortage problems in dairy farming.

Lecture Title: Artificial intelligence technologies as a tool to solve the problem of labor shortage in dairy farming.

Abstract: The shortage of qualified specialists in dairy farming is a serious problem negatively affecting the farms’ productivity and efficiency. Given the personnel’ shortage, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies turn out a key tool for optimizing processes and increasing the competitiveness of the industry. Under the presentation framework, some successful examples of the AI technologies' introduction to dairy farming will be considered at the example of a specific farm.

Vladimir Surovtsev, Leading Researcher, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS), Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Khapsat Dibirova, Junior Researcher, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia.

Lecture Title: Opportunities and limitations of the development of organic food production: world experience and the situation in Russia.

Abstract: The article analyzes the opportunities, positive and negative externalities, factors and limitations for the development of organic production in Russia and abroad, and examines the risks of organic agriculture that arise in ensuring food security. Global experience shows that both positive and negative externalities affect the production of organic products. On the one hand, rural employment is supported, ethnographic, rural and wellness tourism is developing, and the environmental burden is reduced in places where the principles of organic farming are applied. On the other hand, veterinary and phytosanitary risks are growing, food security is being threatened, the intensity of the use of permitted pesticides is increasing, and the environmental burden is rising in regions with developed agriculture. Organic farming generally has a lower impact on the environment per unit area, but the "environmental costs" per unit of production may increase, and therefore on the total volume of production. Sustainable development of organic food production in Russia is possible based on the development and widespread implementation of domestic laborsaving technologies that combine the possibilities of biologization and digitalization, based on scientific research in the field of biotechnology, agricultural science and digital technologies, which requires increased support for interdisciplinary research.

Vitaly Dzhavakhiya, Head of the Department, Department of Molecular Biology, All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Bolshye Vyazemye, Moscow Region, Russia.

Lecture Title: Potential uses of induced plant resistance to pathogens and pests in organic farming.

Abstract: Induced resistance (IR) allows plants to more actively protect themselves from phytopathogens and pests. Accumulated experimental data indicate the prospects of using IR, along with other strategies, for the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly and economically profitable crop production, especially in the field of organic farming. At the same time, the use of IR in plant protection remains insignificant, compared to pesticides and the cultivation of resistant varieties. The report will attempt to shed light on the reasons for this and discuss such advantages of IR as the ability to provide protection against a wide range of phytopathogens and increase the nutritional and nutraceutical value of crops, as well as preserve biodiversity.

Anastasia Vyalkova, Director of Agriculture, Reksoft Company; Member of the Agrarian Committee of Business Russia, Moscow, Russia.

Lecture Title: Digitalization of the veterinary management system in agricultural holdings.

Abstract: Updating veterinary regulations is an important agenda in the current situation of the need to increase the efficiency of animal husbandry in a difficult epizootic situation. The task is to reduce the cost of production, while improving the quality of products in terms of antibiotic residues and epidemiologically significant microorganisms. The digital platform will allow you to quickly receive information, organize and analyze data for decision-making. However, a complex mathematical model will require the involvement of several organizations and mathematical scientists to achieve accuracy close to 100%. The digitized system will make it possible to update veterinary rules on diseases, including laboratory diagnostics, disinfection and slaughter; secondly, to optimize the system of control of infectious diseases, the use of antibiotics and the production of safe products, based on the current situation at enterprises in terms of sites and on the market.


March 14, 2025 .......... submission of full papers (extended)

March 23, 2025 .......... notification of acceptance

April 06, 2025 ........ camera-ready papers

June, 03-06, 2025 ...... conference dates


The official languages of the conference are English and Russian.


Conference Chair:

  • Vladimir Pleshakov, ASAU
  • Andrey Ronzhin, SPC RAS

Program Committee Co-Chair:

  • Valentina Kundius, ASAU
  • Vladimir Surovtsev, SPC RAS

Program Committee Members:

  • Mikhail Arkhipov, Russia
  • Vladimir Belyaev, Russia
  • Olga Cherepanova, Russia
  • Vladimir Chernyshkov, Russia
  • Lyudmila Chizhikova, Russia
  • Vlado Delik, Serbia
  • Vadzim Demidchuk, Belarus
  • Abusupyan Dibirov, Russia
  • Eduard Dyba, Belarus
  • Vitaly Dzhavakhiya, Russia
  • Ivan Ermolov, Russia
  • Aleksandra Figurek, Cyprus
  • Gombo Gantulga, Mongolia
  • Oksana Glibko, Russia
  • Mehmet Guzey, Turkey
  • Viktar Haldyban, Belarus
  • Dmitry Hort, Russia
  • Larisa Ilyina, Russia
  • Evgeny Ivashko, Russia
  • Evgeny Khrustalev, Russia
  • Vladimir Klybik, Belarus
  • Alyona Kodolova, Russia
  • Sergey Kosogor, Russia
  • Valentina Kundius, Russia
  • Georgy Laptev, Russia
  • Nikolay Lepeshkin, Belarus
  • Francisco Mas, Spain
  • Roman Meshcheryakov, Russia
  • Vadim Mikulski, Belarus
  • Murtuzali Murtuzaliev, Russia
  • Roman Nekrasov, Russia
  • Konstantin Ostrenko, Russia
  • Adalat Pashayev, Azerbaijan
  • Francesco Pieri, Italy
  • Mirko Rakovic, Serbia
  • Elena Semenova, Russia
  • Mikhail Tatur, Belarus
  • Alexander Tristanov, Russia
  • Daria Tyurina, Russia
  • Noah Velasquez, Mexico
  • Elena Yildirim, Russia
  • Anton Yurin, Belarus

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Andrey Smyshlyaev, ASAU

Organizing Committee Members:

  • Marina Astapova, SPC RAS
  • Olga Cherepanova, Altai GAU
  • Ekaterina Cherskikh, SPC RAS
  • Natalia Dormidontova, SPC RAS
  • Inna Fedulova, Altai GAU
  • Ildar Kagirov, SPC RAS
  • Oksana Kakaeva, Altai GAU
  • Dmitry Levonevsky, SPC RAS
  • Dmitry Marin, Altai GAU
  • Alina Mikhailus, SPC RAS
  • Anna Moreva, SPC RAS
  • Anna Motienko, SPC RAS
  • Irina Podnozova, SPC RAS
  • Pavel Shabalin, SPC RAS
  • Alexandr Smerchansky, SPC RAS
  • Alyona Viktorova, SPC RAS

Paper submission

The authors are asked to submit their papers using the on-line submission system:

Requirements for the design of articles in the collection of works " Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production" in English in the series of books Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies published by Springer

Articles submitted to the organizing committee should not be considered by another conference and should be published earlier or accepted for publication elsewhere.

Authors should submit for review an article in English in DOCM format with a volume of 10-12 pages, formatted in the Springer style according to the template and containing the following sections:

  • abstract (180-200 words)
  • keywords (at least 5 words and phrases)
  • introduction
  • main part
  • conclusion
  • acknowledgement (if necessary)
  • reference list

Accepted papers must be personally presented at the conference by the authors.


Participation in the video conference is free of charge.

The application for participation should be submitted by May 5, 2025:



The ADOP 2025 Conference will be held in a hybrid format:

  • in videoconference format
  • on the basis of the Altai State Agricultural University (ASAU, 98 Krasnoarmeysky Ave., Barnaul, Russia)


Participation in the video conference is free of charge.

Conference Proceedings

The accepted articles will be published in the book "Agriculture Digitalization and Organic Production" in English in a series of books Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies published by Springer, indexed in ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS and Springerlink.
